Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Volando Colombia: Paisajes

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Traveling from the islands of the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean to the various inland landscapes of mangrove swamps, jungles, plains, and deserts, this aerial journey over Colombia illustrates a land of diverse climates and ecosystems. This collection of stunning photographs concentrates particularly on the areas that have remained untouched by humans, showing breathtaking examples of native flora and fauna, cloud forests and highlands, and the perpetual snow that adorns the peaks of Colombia's highest mountains. A profound reflection regarding the country's marvelous natural world, its underlying message encourages continued efforts towards conservation and sustainable development. "Viajando desde las islas del mar Caribe y del oceano Pacifico hasta los varios paisajes interiores de manglares, selvas, llanuras y desiertos, este viaje aereo por Colombia ilustra una tierra de climas y ecosistemas diversos. Esta coleccion de fotografias sobresalientes se concentra particularmente en las areas no intervenidas por los seres humanos, mostrando ejemplos asombrosos de la flora y fauna nativa, selvas nubladas y tierras montanosas y la nieve perpetua.

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